January 15, 2020

Casual Friday / Bowling Green Small Business

Business name: Casual Friday

Owners: Payton Flener

Where are you located & do you travel: Morgantown, KY. We also travel around KY and TN to several vendor events.


Chelsea (C): “Tell me about what you do.”

Payton (P): “We create graphic designs for apparel, mugs, and accessories.”

C: “Who do you impact or provide value to?”

P: “We create handmade goods for the set apart, hard working, Jesus loving servant in order to foster purpose and inspire to be the light.”

C: “How did you get started in this business?”

P: “Casual Friday comes from my days of being a teacher and living for those casual fridays! I started as a way to reach women to encourage them to shine the light of Jesus in this world.  I would say that God called me to this.”

C: “Why do you do what you do?”

P: “I want to inspire and encourage women to proclaim Jesus boldly and unashamedly.”

C: “What do you love about your job?”

P: “I love the relationships and connections I get to make with women daily all over the states.”

C: “What does success look like for you?”

P: “Success for me is stepping into the calling god has on my life boldly.  It looks like working hard and resting well for His kingdom, not mine.”

C: “What goes on behind the scenes?”

P: “Lots of creating, planning, and praying.  We spend a lot of time creating designs, crafting posts, and styling photos.  We also spend a lot of time planning for big launches, events coming up, etc.  Most of all, we spend a lot of time in prayer over the business.  We pray for our relationships, customers, sales, employees, and all the little details.  We know that prayer is the number one strategy to be able to serve well and stay the course that God has for Casual Friday.”

C: “Tell me about your ideal client or job.”

P: “We just want to love on women.  We believe there is so much power in community and being able to use the different strengths and talents in that community.”

C: “What is something people may not know about you or your business?”

P: “We offer a monthly subscription service where we send a Blessing Box right to your door with an exclusive shirt deisgn, headband, and 3-5 other fun products.  It is our customers’ favorite product!”

C: “Tell me about yourself, your family, etc.”

P: “I am 24 years old, married to my highschool sweetheart, and we have a dog, Winston.  My husband and I also own a coffee shop in Morgantown, KY- HeBrews 12 Coffee Shop.  We love traveling!”

C: “Tell me about your favorite moment or story related to your business.”

P: “I love every time I hear how complete strangers wearing Casual Friday have been connected in public.  I love how it gives us all a common ground for community, love, friendship, and kindness.”

C: “What has been the best advice given to you in life or business? Or what is your best advice?”

P: “If you’re not praying about it or for it, you’re not stewarding it well.”

C: “How can people reach you/get your product or service?”

P: Instagram: casual.fri

Facebook: Casual Friday

Website: casualfridayky.com

C: “What can people do to help your business?”

P: “Share!  Sharing on social media or even in person to your friends make all the difference for a small business owner.”

C: “What do you love about this community?”

P: “I love the people of this community.  It’s beautiful to see women loving on each other.  Though we may bring different beliefs or views or ideas, we are together as one to make a difference in this world.”

C: “Do you have anything exciting coming up or any specials going on currently?”

P: “Yes!  We have a podcast release date being announced soon!

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