February 12, 2020

Cookies with Abby Interview / Bowling Green Small Business

Business name: Cookies with Abby

Owners: Abby Cobb

Where are you located & do you travel:

I am located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. I do travel to deliver cookies if arrangements are made.


Chelsea (C): “Tell me about what you do.”

Abby (A): “I am a home baker, specializing in cookies, cupcakes, and cakes. I started out making special designed sugar cookies but have expanded to do more desserts.”

C: “Who do you impact or provide value to?”

A: “I add a personal touch to any moment in life, whether it be just a “thank you” cookie set or an entire wedding cake. My sweets are personalized to whatever the client wants!”

C: “How did you get started in this business?”

A: “I actually started out watching cookie decorating videos online. I was bored one day and thought I would give cookie decorating a try. It was not as easy as I thought it would be! I kept trying and eventually I was receiving orders weekly. It took a lot of time and practice but now I am finally able to sell a product I am proud of! With time, I added cupcakes and cakes to the mix, as I love baking in general.”

C: “Why do you do what you do?”

A: “I sell sweets because I love making people happy with their orders. I think personalized desserts are something unique and fun.”

C: “What do you love about your job?”

A: “I love that I get to combine my love of baking and my own creativity to create a product. I’ve always been drawn to art and painting so being able to use icing as a medium was similar. Each cookie is like a blank canvas for me.”

C: “What does success look like for you?”

A: “I don’t think I have success defined for my business yet. I’m happy with the customers I do have and the flexibility having my own business gives me. If I had to say, success would be having customers that want to come back and purchase my cookies again.”

C: “What goes on behind the scenes?”

A: “Behind the scenes, it’s just me being a social media manager, an accountant, and everything in between. I post from all of my social media accounts to keep people updated on my business and to engage with my clients. I have to shop every week for ingredients and plan out my baking schedule, and I schedule classes and orders myself and try to do everything in a timely manner. From baking, to decorating, to packaging, it’s a long process. I hand make and decorate each cookie. Then I package them for delivery. I love seeing the finished product, though.”

C: “Tell me about your ideal client or job?”

A: “My ideal job would be someone who gives me free creativity for a large event. While I love doing personalized orders with guidelines, being able to come up with my own ideas is always fun.”

C: “What do you want people to know about you or your business?”

A: “I want people to know that I really enjoy doing what I do. I love baking and being able to give people something they’ll remember forever.”

C: “What is something people may not know about you or your business?”

A: “People may not know that I actually only started baking two years ago. I got bored one day and decided to try out a cookie recipe. It progressed from there with my royal icing recipe. My first order was from my sister and they kept coming from there!”

C: “Tell me about yourself, your family, etc.”

A: “I’m Abby Cobb. I’m originally from Somerset, a Kentucky but I live here in Bowling Green now. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Health and Human Services this year. I’m hoping to go to dental school next year. I have two brothers and two sisters who mean the world to me. I also have two loving parents. They’ve all helped me with my business whether it be running out to get me sugar at the last minute or helping me package orders. I love travelling, art, and reading.”

C: “Tell me about your favorite moment or story related to your business?”

A: “My favorite moment was being asked to be on our local news station WBKO to highlight my cookie business. I didn’t think that something I started would become something so big, to me at least. I was really proud of myself so it made all the late nights really worth it.”

C: “What has been the best advice given to you in life or business? Or what is your best advice?”

A: “My best advice is to make something that you’re proud of. I know that I put so much work into each cookie that I make because it’s what I would want as a product. It may be more time consuming to get perfect details and intricacy, but I think it’s worth it. At the end of the day, it’s your name on your product and people know that.”

C: “How can people reach you/get your product or service?”

A: Instagram: @cookieswithabby

Twitter: @cookieswithabby

Facebook: Cookies with Abby

website: cookieswithAbby.com

Email: cookieswithabby@yahoo.com

C: “What can people do to help your business?”

A: “People can help my business by liking my page, interacting with my posts, telling their friends about my cookies, and just staying involved in my business. Everything goes a really long way.”

C: “What do you love about this community?”

A: “I love Bowling Green because there are so many small, locally owned places to order from or visit. Everyone puts so much work into what they do here and you can tell.”

C: “Do you have anything exciting coming up or any specials going on currently?”

A: “Around St. Patrick’s Day, I am going to be doing a collaboration with another cookie artist to raise money for my mom’s trip to Ghana as a missionary.”

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